Founded in 1960 under the name Gallery of Self-Taught Artists, it was conceived as a complex museum institution from the beginning. Over time, the Museum's identity was tied to the names that were most present in the theory of art at the time and carried the widest potential of meaning. Thus, firstly, the names self-taught and naïve art were adopted. The term marginal art was added to the name of the Museum in the recent period with the aim of including, in accordance with current contemporary trends, a wider artistic field of singular phenomena.
Немањина 3, трећи спрат, стан бр. 10 Београд
Boska Djuricica 10, Jagodina
+381 11 343 1233
+381 35 244 317
Галерија Музеја наивне и маргиналне уметности у Јагодини
Уторак-Петак 10-18часова
Субота 10-16 часова
Недеља 10-15 часова
Салон Ото Бихаљи-Мерин у
Понедељак- Петак 10- 17 часова
Субота 12- 18 часова
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