About Us

Museum of Naïve and Marginal Art (Belgrade/Jagodina, Serbia) was founded in 1960. It is devoted to collection, preservation, promotion and presentation of works of art created outside the boundaries of so-called mainstream art. On the international scene, MNMA is among the oldest institutions specialized in museum protection of the most valuable achievements in the unconventional segment of the contemporary art scene.
For six decades, the ways of perception, presentation, interpretation and professional protection of the true values and essence of authentic self-taught, naïve and marginal art and related specific creative expressions have been continuously re-examined as a vital source of true creative energy that draws a clear line of distancing from pseudo-naïve production.

Founded in 1960 under the name Gallery of Self-Taught Artists, it was conceived as a complex museum institution from the beginning. Over time, the Museum's identity was tied to the names that were most present in the theory of art at the time and carried the widest potential of meaning. Thus, firstly, the names self-taught and naïve art were adopted. The term marginal art was added to the name of the Museum in the recent period with the aim of including, in accordance with current contemporary trends, a wider artistic field of singular phenomena.

The headquarters of the Museum is located in Belgrade (Nemanjina 3) at the place where the prominent theoretician of significant phenomena of modern art of the twentieth century and promoter of naïve art in the world, Oto Bihalji-Merin, spent the last decades of his life and work, and where the Salon Oto Bihalji-Merin was founded in 2013. The rich legacy of Bihalji-Merin - important library and archival material, Oto's correspondence with many distinguished colleagues and artists, authentic manuscripts and photographs are preserved in the museum premises in Belgrade and Jagodina
In the Gallery of Museum of Naïve and Marginal Art in Jagodina (Boška Đuričića 10) a permanent display and occasional exhibition programs are presented on about 580 m² of exhibition area.

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